Stronger Than Ever
NEFCO offers complete Effluent Trough Systems that include weirs, scum baffles, drop boxes and stainless steel, galvanized steel or FRP trough supports, as well as one-of-a-kind troughs for unique treatment plant applications.
Our FRP products provide maximum rigidity with minimum deflections with the use of 24 ounce layers of woven roving, allowing our products to withstand greater loads without deflection/deformations.
Our FRP launders can be manufactured in any shape, size or form, allowing for an infinite combinations of features. Features such as round-bottom, square-bottom, V-bottom, and Z-shaped launders, among others.
Our FRP products are manufactured with the highest quality of materials that result in long-lasting products able to withstand the toughest chemical environments for an average of 15 to 20 years, while conserving a fresh and new appearance.
Trough Construction
Troughs may be square bottom, round bottom or V-bottom, and may include FRP or steel angle laminated into the trough sides or bottom as stiffeners. NEFCO’s trough laminate is 30% stronger than the typical 1/4” trough laminate because we build the reinforcement into every square foot of each trough section. Troughs are designed with corrosion-resistant and UV-protected resins, woven roving, balsa, and foam reinforcement, integrally molded stiffening flanges, PVC spacer rods, and slip joint or flange-by-flange connections. Flanges, end panels, and critical areas are 150% thicker than normal. Troughs are engineered and fabricated to meet and exceed load requirements.

Weir Pans
Weir pans, also known as finger weirs or serpentine weirs, are mini troughs designed to increase the weir length in the clarifier. NEFCO pans are made using the same resins and reinforcement used in our standard troughs. V-notched weir plates are mounted to both sides of the weir pan. The weir pans generally mount to the outer tank wall at fixed intervals between sections of the wall-mounted weir and extend into the clarifier. The pans cantilever from the wall and are supported by an FRP or steel bracket. Weir pans are supplied complete with V-notched panels, support brace, and stainless-steel anchors and fasteners.
Custom Fabrications
NEFCO is noted for its innovative designs and the quality of its products. The company is routinely called on to produce custom products including drop boxes, special purpose troughs, finger weirs, and unique influent and effluent baffles.